At Gray & Associates, our mission is to promote mental health awareness, dismantle stigmas, and cultivate positive peer relationships within educational environments. Through empowerment and education, we aim to equip students, educators, and parents with the tools to champion mental well-being and personal development.


About Ian

Ian’ Gray’s passion for helping people with mental illness and addiction comes from his own pain. He grew up in a dysfunctional family and beginning at age 8, he began to struggle, which led to drug addiction, multiple mental health hospitalizations, group homes and eventually homelessness and incarceration. He was diagnosed with major depression, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and attempted suicide multiple times. In order to find peace, Ian needed to face his emotional demons and change his destructive patterns. 

After navigating and overcoming adversity, Ian felt compelled to share his experiences to offer hope to others. Today he is a certified peer specialist, mental health advocate and insightful wellness coach. Ian uses his unique insight as evidence to restore hope and he teaches practical skills to empower young people and future leaders to reach their untouched potential. He helps them develop goals, craft strategies for self-empowerment, and take tangible steps toward constructing fulfilling, self-determined lives.

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
Come alongside Ian as he guides students in a authentic relationship in developing their own goals, crafting strategies for self-empowerment, and taking tangible steps toward constructing fulfilling, self-determined lives.